Peer-to-peer lending (P2P)


Peer-To Peer Lending Creates Shorter Latencies And Advantages For Investors And Borrowers Everywhere

As peer-to-peer lending continues to grow and become more mainstream, the scope of investment opportunities expands. Interest rates are lower, and for borrowers more accessible, too. Borrowers do not have to put up all or even most of the money needed for the purchase of a new car or home, for example, as they can access loans from online lenders with little or no cash upfront. Peer-to-peer lending has become a hot topic of late, due largely to the global credit crunch and the economic slowdown. Many people worry about their finances and are looking to alternatives to traditional bank loans and credit cards. Many others are unsure about the safety of investing through peer-to-peer lending, which is another reason the future looks rosy for this type of funding.

Peer-to-peer lending is an emerging alternative to traditional banking, in many ways. It is a non-traditional model in that it allows investors to pool their money together, instead of having to set up a separate account for it. Because investors are sharing their resources, credit risk is reduced, as well as inflation. Peer-to-peer lending also allows borrowers and lenders to eliminate or reduce the cost of borrowing by working together on a "collateralized loan" basis, where one lender pools funds from a group of investors who agree to lend the same amount. Borrowers can obtain a lower interest rate than would be available as a credit card or home equity line of credit.

Because the credit risk is shared among several groups instead of among individual investors, pooled investment funds come at a lower cost to borrowers. With a robo-advisor, investors only pay out if their investment portfolio turns out poorly. If there is a successful transaction, investors get their full investment back minus the commission, which may not be higher than investing directly with a bank or other lender.

The cost savings that result from using a reit system also go beyond the interest rate. Because investors pool their money together, they pay less in administration fees and other costs to ensure that they are able to recoup most of the investment cost. Many banks and credit unions require formal investment policies in order to allow investors access to their funds. These policies often impose limits on how much a single investor can borrow or spend, or other restrictions. Because a great program allows investors to take part in a wide variety of investments without undergoing the extensive review that goes into traditional investment programs, such policies are unnecessary.

Investors who are looking for opportunities to build a passive income stream should consider investing in a target-date fund. These funds were developed as a solution to early retirement planning. The target date fund allows investors to accumulate money over the course of a number of years to meet various retirement goals. The funds are designed to give the investor maximum returns when interest rates are at their lowest. Because the income is guaranteed to be at least partially consistent, Target-date funds are perfect for people who want to make sure they are prepared for retirement.

Peer-to-peer lenders have developed new lending platforms that feature significantly lower fees than traditional investment banks. In many cases, these platforms allow investors to obtain funding over the Internet. Investors can use their personal computers to make secure transactions and can complete payments without ever leaving their homes. In addition to lower fees, many lenders are now offering different types of investments and credit lines, all managed exclusively by independent third-party companies. With the rising popularity of P2P lending, there are now more ways than ever before for investors to build a passive income from the comfort of their own home.

In some cases, an investor will find that P2P lending has replaced major bank risks such as credit card processing fees, check issuance, and loan origination. Lenders have largely avoided all of these costly services, which allows them to concentrate all their resources on collecting principal and fees from customers. This gives investors the opportunity to access cash from anywhere around the world with a simple application. While P2P lending has certainly replaced some major bank risks, it is important to note that these lenders only do business through banks - making the overall borrowing experience much more streamlined for the average borrower.

As more people begin to utilize these platforms, the need for the services of traditional financial institutions will decline. However, for savvy investors, this is not necessarily a bad thing. While traditional institutions will continue to exist for the benefit of their customers, there will always be times when it is more advantageous to tap the pool of entrepreneurial investors than walking into a bank. The rise of P2P lending has brought about major changes in the global economy, making it more possible for investors to obtain the capital that they need from anywhere around the world. When looking to advance their financial stability, entrepreneurs should make sure that they are working with reliable lending platforms to ease their path to success.
